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Why Smart UPS and not Back UPS or other

Okay. It ships with PowerChute Personal Edition. This is not compatible with the server edition. The Back UPS (this is what you have) was designed for workstations. The Smart UPS is designed for servers. The Back UPS can be used on the server and you should be able to use the built in UPS feature of the Server Operating System. We typically sell the UPS designed for the servers, the Smart UPS. I would have the person who sold it to you, set it up. A Smart UPS typically costs 2 times to 5 times as much money.

Here is example A:
Situation: We lost power
Problem: Server goes down immediately, data loss can occur.

Here is example B:
Regular UPS.
Situation: We lost power
Problem: Server stays up until battery runs out. Server goes down immediately after battery drain, data loss can occur.

Here is example C:
Smart UPS.
Situation: We lost power
Problem: Server gets shut down 5 minutes before battery is out of power.